
Pain Free Breast Screening

Early detection may make a difference.

Every woman, 18 or 80, is at risk for breast cancer. Breast cancer is occurring more frequently now than ever.

One in Eight Women Will Get Breast Cancer at Some Point in Their Life

In 1950, one in twenty women developed breast cancer, and usually at sixty or seventy years of age. Now breast cancer occurs in one of every eight women and has involved more young women than ever before! The choices you make today to care for your breasts may determine your fate. Detecting the disease early may give you a 97% survival rate and real options for treatment. The alternative is deadly.

  • Relaxation and Recovery

  • Rehabilitation Medicine

  • Natural Beauty

  • Face and Body Treatments

Now consider thermography. It has been developed over the past thirty-six years in major medical universities and women’s clinics around the world. Thermography does not involve compression or any form of physical contact. A thermagram is a passive non x-ray technique that has become the accepted means of screening for breast disease in many developed countries.It creates a digital map of your body that illustrates heat patterns — patterns that may detect some condition or abnormality. It uses a scanning-type infrared camera that measures your body surface temperature, presenting the information as a digitized image. These thermal images (called thermograms) are analyzed for abnormalities that may be signs of disease in your body. Additionally, since your body is thermally symmetrical if normal, thermal asymmetries can indicate problems.

With the development of an objective criteria system in 1975 at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in France, thermography has emerged as a proper science and reliable means of screening for breast disease. Thermography may provide earliest detection of breast cancer and even pre-cancerous changes.

Thermography has provided many women with a very safe and sensitive form of screening for breast diseases with discrete and personalized care. Thermogram is risk free, and thus does not require a referral from a physician.

How to Cut Your Breast Cancer Risk Naturally

The truth is, there are many simple strategies that can drastically reduce your chances of developing cancer, or any other chronic disease for that matter; strategies that do not involve harmful side effects.

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